Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kwintons Arrival

Quick pre-story: So, as some people know we have had a few bumps in this pregnancy. Around 25 weeks the Dr.s discovered that Kwinton's belly wasn't growing really well. It was around the 17th%. So we watched him pretty close for a while, thinking that a steroid might be necessary to help his lungs and heart develop just in case he needed to come out early. Well, at 32 weeks his stomach had bumped up to the 25th%. This made the Dr.s comfortable enough to rule out steroids and just continue on with the pregnancy. Note: 32 weeks is the last chance to do a steroid. So no turning back now! Well, 3 short weeks later at yet another ultrasound Kwinton's stomach had taken a dive into the 7th%. The ultrasound also showed that the placenta was calcifying and the umbilical cord was working too hard. So now we are at 35 weeks and just hoping that we can keep him happy for about 3 more weeks then get him OUT. Needless to say, I spent much of my time at my Dr.s office getting him checked 3 days a week, to make sure he wasn't showing any signs of stress. Also checking the umbilical cord every week to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. He wasn't stressed but I sure was.

Delivery Day: So knowing full well that my body had never actually gone into labor on its own I had no expectation that I would this time. The plan was to induce somewhere around August 18th. Well, the morning of August 8th the plan changed!
The contractions woke me up just after midnight, they didn't really hurt but they were pretty consistent. About 6-8 min. apart. So I got what sleep that I could (which was none, I couldn't stop looking at the clock every time I had one to check the minutes). Around 8:00am we decided we had better go into the hospital to get checked. At this point the contractions were still not painful just consistent, so I am thinking false labor, but because of the "high risk" pregnancy we decide it is better to be safe. So we dropped off the kids, picked up my mom, and we were off.

Then the waiting began.......
My mom and Kwinton took me on an hour long walk around the hospital to see if wee could move things along a little.

Around 5:00 Kwinton, Angie and my mom left me to go get themselves some dinner. I tried to rest but around 5:45 I stared feeling very painful contractions on the right side of my body. The epidural was only taking on half of my body because I was laying on my side. I called the nurse in to help me roll over and this is where things get fuzzy. After rolling me over the nurse decided to push the button on my epidural to give me some more medicine. Hoping it would now go to the other half of my body. Well, it did work........the problem is that my little body did not like that much drugs in my system. My blood pressure instantly dropped and my head went into a fog. The anesthesiologist was back in the room in seconds and he was immediately shooting something else into my IV and putting oxygen on me. During all of this commotion my family returned from dinner along with my dad and Meg. So now we have a packed house and I am out of it! In a few minutes my brain started coming back to me and I realized I was now feeling no pain but A LOT of pressure. The nurse quickly checked and said don't move the baby is right here let me grab the Dr.
I told my dad and Meg that this was going to be quick and if they wanted to stay in the room they were welcome to.
One contraction later we had our little boy!
Kwinton Jeffrey Franc was born at 6:27 p.m.
August 8th, 2010
A very surprising 6 lb. 1 oz.
A very short 17 1/2 inches

The NICU nurses came in to give him a quick look over, and he was just perfect!


  1. so cute! I can't wait to meet the little guy! Congrats

  2. Congratulations! He looks perfect. What a lucky little guy to be born into such an awesome family!

  3. He is a goregous baby! I can't believe he was so big, considering the early arrival and all of the complications. I'm glad everything went mostly well with the delivery. I hope to meet your little guy soon! Maybe he and Piper can be long distance BFFs
