Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Can I just ask why husbands have to be so embarrassing? I am pretty sure we are going to have to move after this one. So Kwinton and Chris had the bright idea of growing themselves some "Utah Jazz playoff mustaches" Well, let me just tell you how that worked out..... Kwinton looked like Chester the child molester!!! Seriously, someone you would see on Americas most wanted for following around little boys or something.
He shaved his beard off on Sunday, so that is when this creep-fest started. I wouldn't even let him come to church with me. Well, Monday he went to work looking like this and got a good laugh out of everyone there, along with many comments on how he looked like a creep. So, when he got home on Monday he decided he couldn't keep it any longer, he couldn't even look in the mirror without laughing.
So while I took Cali to gymnastics he decided to shave it. Oh but wait, he decided to shave it into a Hitler mustache. Now this was supposed to be for my eyes only. I would come home in an hour, we would have a good laugh, and he would shave it! Little did he know some friends from the ward were stopping by to drop something off to me. Well, to top it all off he forgot about the mustache, so he sat and chatted with my friend and her husband for about ten minutes before they went on there way. No explanation or apology for his "HITLER MUSTACHE." So I spent the next day and a half trying to get a hold of her to explain that my husband is not a creep.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Let me take a minute to give a little update on my sweet little Cali. Cali turned 5 on March 8th. Can you believe it, 5 years ago we had are tiny 4 lb. 14 oz. baby girl. Now here she is getting ready to start kindergarten. That's right, a couple of weeks ago she had her kindergarten orientation. I must say I am freaking out just a little bit about the thought of this girl going to school. Don't get me wrong SHE is super excited and totally ready for school, but I am not. I didn't even flinch about Gabe going to school, but the thought of sending my little girl off into the world (okay, okay it's just a kindergarten) is a bit scary. She also had her 5 year check up recently in which her Dr. told us she has moved up into the 11% in height! Watch out world she has hit double digits, we've got a giant on our hands. Cali is such a cute, and sweet little girl in our home, but don't let her little mouse voice and innocent smile fool you. She is absolutely 100% girl. Which means "Drama and attitude included." I LOVE every minute of it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

If you haven't heard.....

We are having a boy. That's right another crazy boy! Although I was hoping to even things up in this family, I really couldn't be happier that I am finally getting my baby Kwinton. (I have tried to name both of the other boys Kwinton, but I was denied.) Well, this time it is happening! We haven't settled on a middle name yet, I think that will determine if we actually call the baby Kwinton or call him by his middle name. The kids are all taking the news great. Gabe of course thinks we need to have two more girls now because his OCD does not agree when things are out of balance. He will just have to deal. Cali is super happy considering she totally wanted a sister. She was so funny in the ultrasound. The only thing she had to say was, "It kind of looks like a puppy." And little Cole is just in his own two year old world, however he doesn't quite understand why we are calling the baby Kwinton's name. So he calls the him "baby daddy," instead of baby Kwinton. Our due date is still officially August 25th. This is the first baby we have had that actually measures as big as it should, so it looks like we are in for a healthy pregnancy and a good size baby. What more could a girl ask for!