Friday, June 11, 2010

Hang in there baby Kwinton......

It looks like my body is up to its same old tricks again. At my Dr. appt. a couple of weeks ago it was no surprise that I was measuring a little behind. This happens around this time with all of my pregnancies. So of course I was sent in for another ultrasound just to check on things. The ultrasound showed that Kwintons stomach was on the small side, (this is the first sign that he isn't getting enough nutrition from the placenta) also the fluids were a bit on the low side. So I was given one week to get the fluids up in there. A task that I took very seriously. I think I just about drown myself in water for a week straight. Well, phase one went well, the fluids in little Kwintons home were WAY up. I have provided him quite the swimming hole! I now have two weeks to see about getting his stomach to grow. This task is going to prove to be a little more difficult since I really have no control over the functioning of the placenta. But I will do my best to chow down on whatever my little heart desires and hope that he is getting something in there.
11 weeks to go till due date! Dr.s are thinking they will need to get him out a bit early before he is in distress. Lets just hope he stays in there long enough for all his little organs to develop properly then we can get him out and start fattening him up!


  1. I have a lot of issues when I am pregnant as well. I wish you all the luck and hope that you can stay prego as long as needed for jr. to be healthy when he arrives. We are hoping to make it to 38 weeks with my little guy, but things are starting to look like it may be a bit earlier than that! Good luck!

  2. Oh no, Nikki. I hope you can keep the little guy in there and growing for as long as possible. I'll be thinking of you.

    Get some rest and stay healthy.
