Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not my baby anymore.....

This post is about my baby Cole, sorry, I mean my big boy Cole. It's hard to imagine that in a few short months he will not be the baby anymore. Even though he has clearly not been a baby for quite sometime. For some reason this kid has me wrapped around his little finger. I am quite convinced that he is the funniest child ever to be sent here. Between the funny faces he pulls and the silly things he says, I swear I can just look at him and laugh.
Cole is our little brute! Give him a club and a ball and he is entertained for hours. Shoot, give him a stick and a rock and he is entertained for hours. As long as he has something to hit or kick or throw he is happy. He is also sadly a video game nerd. He would play with Kwintons old gameboy all day if I would let him, and he is amazingly good at it. As you can see he also loves playing the wii.
After having Gabe and Cali, Cole has been a bit of a challenge. The others have always made things pretty easy on me. (Very helpful, good listeners, nice to each other) Cole however has a mind of his own and likes to push buttons that I didn't know I had. Just trying to potty train this kid has been a battle of wills between the two of us, and I have to tell ya, he is winning so far. His stubbornness goes far beyond anything I have ever dealt with. I think the new little baby coming has got him worried that he is no longer going to be my baby, and he is doing everything in his power to prevent that. So I guess I will just have to step up my game a little and do some pushing back.
I don't think I am quite ready to let go of Cole as my baby. Something about his big blue eyes just makes me melt!

1 comment:

  1. I want to meet this kid. He sounds like the coolest! You can have all kinds of fun deciding where he got his "mind of his own" from.
