Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The bad with the good!

The bad...
Ok, so I promise I will not bore you all with every little detail of this pregnancy. I am sure nobody cares to hear about every little pain, issue, or kick that me and the baby go through. However I had my first Dr. appointment last week and I just can't get over the torture they put us poor women through. I started off by lying and telling my Dr. that I have had an "exam" with-in the last year. Well, she totally called me on it and looked up my chart. Only I didn't think I was lying, I SWEAR I was there in July and had my yearly check-up. Well, she could tell that I was there in July but there was no record of an exam, so lets go ahead and do it again. So after the fun of being poked and prodded by my Dr. lets go ahead and drain your blood so we can check for every possible illness or issue there. But wait... before we let you go lets go ahead and inject you with a bit of swine flu so you don't really get it while you are pregnant and I know you want to go home with a dead arm.
The good...
On the up side she did do a little ultrasound so we got to leave with the memory of seeing the little blob on the screen and a little fluttering heart beat! This pregnancy has been different for me, I just haven't really wrapped my head around the thought that we are going to have another little baby around here. But seeing the heartbeat was kind of a kick in the butt for me. This is really happening.......holy smokes.......four kids......I'm like a grown up!


  1. Thanks for making me laugh! You will do great with 4. Three was the hardest for me. After that it was a piece of cake!

  2. Oh Nikkie. You are so funny. Well, I'm very excited for you to have another little one. Now, Eden will have a playmate! I can't wait
