Monday, December 20, 2010

100 Years!

Does it ever occur to anyone else just how long 100 years is? 36,500 Days! We are talking a whole century people. At the beginning of the year we celebrated Kwinton's Grandmas 100th birthday. After we had Kwinton J. it hit me how crazy it was that the were born a whole century apart.
Just imagine what life was like 100 years ago, imagine the completely different worlds that they will have grown up in. It turns out that Kwinton J. marks the 60th GREAT grandchild for her, another amazing accomplishment if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, 100 years is a LONG time...let's hope we don't make it that long! Thanks for letting me love on Kwinton at Sheila's. I LOVE me some babies!
