Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My big first grader

My son Gabriel started first grade yesterday. It is just crazy how fast life goes by. He is getting so big everyday going through life's fun events. Last year he had afternoon Kindergarten, so it is a little weird getting up and having him out the door by 8:00 in the morning. We were ahead of schedule so I decided we could walk. Well, the kids rode their bikes and I walked. Gabe was so excited to get to have lunch at school and of course get 3 recesses. When we got there he was so cute talking to all his friends from last year and finding out which friends were in his class this year. Then today came. The morning started out the same, breakfast together, get dressed, and out the door. Gabe hopped on his bike and took off. Well, by the time I turned the corner with Cali and Cole, Gabe was about a block and a half ahead of me with about 20 other kids crossing the cross walk. Without a care in the world. He didn't even realize that he had left his poor mom behind. So I just yelled ahead to remind him to lock his bike up and have a good day, and off he went. So I guess you go to first grade one day and your already big enough that you don't need your mother anymore. Me and the kids turned back around with Cali asking why we weren't walking with Gabe. I am so glad he is such an independent and friendly kid, I just hope he doesn't forget about his mother in the mean time.
First day!

Family bike ride to school

Gabe in front of school

Gabe in line. Bye Gabe.

Bye brother.

1 comment:

  1. Where does the time go? You and Kwinton are not old enough to have a first grader! I think he looks more like his daddy every day!
